
2013-04-26 10.06.28_Spreadcake_smallThis recipe is the result of a rescue operation.  It came about as I tried to rescue the lovely ingredients that I had just used to make a healthy pancake mix which went terribly wrong…. 🙂

So as they say, good things do come out of bad ones (sometimes).

And a good thing it is because I never really fancy standing around the hob flicking pancakes one at a time.  But as pancakes don’t require rising, I tend to get tempted in trying to make them without conventional flour (i.e. Gluten).  I haven’t yet succeeded on that one but you’ll be the first to find out

when I come up with a good pancake recipe.  In the meantime, we can stick to this rather nice, similar tasting and MUCH easier to make ‘spreadcake” instead.  Why would you prefer to flick pancakes one at a time if you can spread the whole mixture in one single tray, put it in the oven and be done with it in less than 10 minutes? 🙂 So here we go…

Ingredients2013-04-26 10.09.58_Spreadcake_small

1 grated carrot

200g almond meal (make your own by milling the almonds at home in a coffee grinder – much better value for money and as fresh as you can get)

150g unsweetened coconut flakes (ground/grated coconut)

4 eggs

About 200 ml of coconut milk (or hot water mixed with a chiselled piece of coconut pure – which tends to solidify at room temperature in England)

Coconut oil or butter to grease a baking tray

Now these ingredients are totally optional according to your taste. I like them so here they are:

A handful for raisins

A sprinkle of mixed spices

Grated nutmeg (just a little pinch)

Whole fennel seeds

Wisk the eggs, and add all other ingredients, leaving the coconut milk for last. Add as much as you think necessary to achieve a consistency that resembles more a cake than a pancake mixture (i.e. not runny).  If you need to adjust consistency, you can use more grated coconut (or even milled flaxseeds).  You may also choose to blend all the ingredients in the blender for an even mixture (but you don’t need to).  There’s not much science here as no rising will be expected from this ‘spreadcake’ mixture.  Grease a baking tray well with coconut oil or butter and spread the mixture on top.  If it comes out too thick, just make sure you spread it nicely on the tray trying to achieve a ‘thick pancake’ width/consistency.  Bake in a moderate pre-heated oven for about 30 minutes (do keep an eye as different thickness will change the cooking time).  It was really easy to lift it off the tray when cooked and it went down just as well as pancakes once it was cut into little squares.   What I like about this one is the flexibility to change it and lack of technique – which goes very well with my ‘improvised way to cook’ 🙂 I hope you try it and then let me know the outcome. Note: you can serve it with some nut butter on top if you like.

Bom apetite!

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