I adapted this recipe from Linda’s Low Carb website. It is the quickest, easiest and most successful
gluten-free keto/low-carb bread recipe I’ve come across.
Here are the measurements I used for my version:
Approx 1 tbsp of melted butter
1 egg
3 heaped tbsp of linseed flour
2 heaped tbsp of almond flour
1 tsp of baking powder
salt to taste (if using unsalted butter)
Mix the egg with the melted butter in a small glass pot that fits well inside the microwave. Add the remaining ingredients and mix with a fork until uniform. Once it’s all mixed, clean the sides of the glass pot and take it to the microwave for 2 minutes on full or until fluffy. Remove and serve as a bun with Tahini and avocado or cut it in half and make a burger adding lettuce, tomato and mayo. I also like to add flavour so I’ve made a few versions including combinations with oregano and onion seeds, paprika and mixed herbs, dried garlic… It’s up to you. You can start plain and add variety as you repeat. It only takes about 5 minutes to make it so in half an hour you can experiement with quite a few different versions.
Bom apetite!